The Association has negotiated the following insurance services which are available to members from a range of service providers:
1. Income Continuance
- Special arrangements for members going job sharing, taking a career break, unpaid parental or adoptive leave, unpaid maternity leave and unpaid leave.
- Payment of disability benefits will continue until you recover, go back to work, are deemed fit to return to work, die, or right up to age 65, if you remain unable to engage in your duties.
- An extra three months’ benefit paid after the death of a claimant – if a claimant who is receiving benefit from the Plan dies, New Ireland have agreed to pay an extra three months’ benefit to the member’s estate.
AHCPS Salary Protection Scheme
Although many AHCPS members feel that they will never need the protection the Plan provides, sadly our experience has been that even the healthiest person can suffer unexpected illness or, indeed, have a serious accident. This is why membership of the Plan is so vital for every member as it’s designed to dovetail with your sick pay entitlements.
What happens to your salary if you fall ill?
If you fall ill for more than 92 days in any 12 month period, your pay is cut by half for a further 91 days. A maximum of 183 days in any rolling 4 year period is allowed before you are taken off the payroll altogether. Details of the sick leave arrangements can be found here.
If at this point you are forced to retire on grounds of ill health, you may be entitled to an Early Retirement Pension (ERP). Even if you have many years of service, your ill health Early Retirement Pension will only be a fraction of your pre-disability salary. If you do not retire, you will receive no income from your employer and only a small minority of AHCPS members who are paying PRSI at the higher ‘A1’ rate will be entitled to State Illness Benefit; but at just €9,776 (2015 level), this provides a subsistence level of income only.
How the Income Continuance Plan helps you
In return for a modest contribution from salary this Plan helps provide you with an income of up to 75% of your pre-disability salary in the event that you fall ill. It does this by topping up your Early Retirement Pension (ERP) and/or State Illness Benefit to 75% of your pre-disability salary. Claims under the Plan will be paid if New Ireland, the Plan’s insurer, is satisfied that because of injury or illness you are unable to carry out your normal job, and you are not involved in any other remunerative occupation.
Other benefits of the Plan include:
If you are a new member to the ICP or Transferring from FORSA scheme link to ICP Application Form
The policy is underwritten by New Ireland Assurance Company plc and the brokers are Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd.
For more information on financial products and services offered to AHCPS members by Cornmarket log on to www.cornmarket.ie
Christchurch Square, Dublin 8
Phone: (01) 408 4000
Email: info@cornmarket.ie
Web: www.cornmarket.ieLegal Disclaimer:
The Executive Committee and the Association accept no legal responsibility for the services provided to members under the various schemes and arrangements in operation
2. FAQs
Who is eligible to join?
All members of the AHCPS under age 65 who are employed in permanent pensionable employment.
What if I leave the AHCPS?
In such circumstances you are no longer eligible for membership of the Plan. You should therefore write to Cornmarket to cancel your membership. Cornmarket may, depending on your circumstances, be able to offer you an individual policy providing similar cover.
When will the benefit commence?
After 26 weeks of illness in any 12 month period the Plan pays you an income of 25% of the pensionable salary you were earning before you fell ill topping up your sick pay to 75%.
Once you have been ill for a full 52 weeks in total over a 4 year period, the Plan will pay out a full 75% of pensionable salary less any Early Retirement/Pension rate of pay and/or Social Welfare Disability to which you are entitled.
Does the Income Benefit remain static?
The benefit paid to you by the Plan increases by 5% each year or the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index if lower. This helps ensure the benefit you receive remains realistic despite the effect of inflation.
How much does the Plan cost?
0.60% of salary.
What tax relief is available?
You are eligible for tax relief at your highest rate of tax on the contribution that you pay.
This means that the net contribution rate is only 0.36% after tax relief is applied, if you are paying tax at the higher rate.
Why should I join now?
New AHCPS members will be accepted into the AHCPS Plan on application, if they can satisfactorily complete the application form (current members of any similar scheme in force for Civil or Public Servants have a preferential arrangement for joining the AHCPS Plan)
How do I join the Scheme?
Simply complete the application form (PDF, 2MB) and submit to Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd. Christchurch Square, Dublin 8.
3. Life Assurance
The Voluntary Group Life Assurance scheme which may also be used to supplement Death in Service Benefit cover of twice salary, automatically increases in cover with salary rises. The premium is 0.48% of salary and qualifies for full Income tax relief. The scheme is underwritten by New Ireland and the brokers are Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd.
Group Life Application form for new members and members transferring from FORSA.
Christchurch Square, Dublin 8
Phone: (01) 408 4000
Email: info@cornmarket.ie
Web: www.cornmarket.ieLegal Disclaimer:
The Executive Committee and the Association accept no legal responsibility for the services provided to members under the various schemes and arrangements in operation
4. Car Insurance
The following brokers provide group car insurance schemes to AHCPS members:
Cornmarket Group Financial Services LtdCornmarket 540
Christchurch Square, Dublin 8
Phone: (01) 4084040
Web: www.cornmarket.ieFrank Glennon Ltd
Insurance Brokers & Consultants
Charlemont House, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2GlennonPhone: (01) 707 5999
ROI Lo-Call: 1890 812 221
Fax: (01) 707 5900
Email: ahcps@glennons.ie
Web: https://glennons.ie/ahcps/Legal Disclaimer:
The Executive Committee and the Association accept no legal responsibility for the services provided to members under the various schemes and arrangements in operation
5. Home Insurance
The following brokers provide group home insurance schemes to AHCPS members:
Cornmarket Group Financial Services LtdCornmarket 540
Christchurch Square, Dublin 8
Phone: (01) 4084040
www.cornmarket.ieFrank Glennon Ltd
Insurance Brokers & Consultants
Charlemont House, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2GlennonPhone: 1890 812221 or +353(1) 707 5999
Fax: (01) 707 5900
Web: ahcps.glennons.ieLegal Disclaimer:
The Executive Committee and the Association accept no legal responsibility for the services provided to members under the various schemes and arrangements in operation
6. Health Insurance
Lyons Financial Services
Lyons Financial Services will provide Health Insurance Advisory Service to members. LFS will look at your options and recommend the best product and plan for you and your family.
Lyons Financial Services
Office 1, Dunboyne Business Parklyons
Dunboyne, Co. MeathPhone: (01) 801 5808
Lo-call 1890 304 304
Web: www.lfs.ieHSF Health Plan
HSF health plan, the trading subsidiary of the charity The Hospital Saturday Fund, enables members to cover themselves and their families for a range of health care costs including dental and optical care, GP visits as well as providing for cash payments in the event of hospitalisation. Cash plans cost as little as 31c a day.
Agreement for deductions at source for members in the Civil Service has been agreed at the General Council.
HSF Health Plan
5 Westgate Business Park HSF
Kilrush Road
Ennis, Co. ClareLoCall: 1 890 473473
Phone: (065) 686 2500
Fax: (065) 686 2504
Web: www.hsf.eu.com/irelandLegal Disclaimer:
The Executive Committee and the Association accept no legal responsibility for the services provided to members under the various schemes and arrangements in operation
7. Travel Insurance
A group Annual Family Multi Trip Travel Insurance including European Motor Breakdown Assistance and Winter Sports Cover is available to members from Prestige Underwriters Services (Ireland) Ltd.
The policy is designed to cover the immediate family of the Main Insured Person including children up to the age of 22 in full time education and residing with the main insured person.
Abbey Union Star
8 Ashe Street
Cavan, Co CavanPhone: (049) 437 1505
Lo-call: 1 890 808 666
Member contact – Email: ieteles@mapfre.com
Making a Claim – Email: traveldept@mapfre.com
Web: travel.abbeyautoline.ie/AHCPSLegal Disclaimer:
The Executive Committee and the Association accept no legal responsibility for the services provided to members under the various schemes and arrangements in operation
8. Dental Insurance
Dental Insurance Scheme
At its November 2014 meeting, the Executive Committee approved the introduction of a group Scheme for Dental Insurance for Union Members. This Scheme is be administered by Lyons Financial Services, who currently provide Health Insurance Advice to members. The Scheme is underwritten by DeCare Dental.
Details of the scheme can be found here