Officials and Staff
The day-to-day management of the Association is carried out by the following full time officials appointed by the Executive Committee:
Ciaran Rohan
Head Office Official
Ciaran Rohan was appointed to the post of General Secretary in June 2014. He joined the Civil Service in 1987 and has worked in the Department of Education and Science and the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General. He held a number of roles within the PSEU was a member of the AHCPS Executive Committee from 2002. He served as both Vice Chairperson and Chairperson of the Association.Ciaran joined the Association as Assistant General Secretary in May 2008. He is a graduate of the IPA, has a Diploma in Employment Law and also holds an M.A. in Human Resource Management from the National College of Ireland.
Paul Malone
Head Office Official
Paul was appointed as Deputy General Secretary of the Association in July 2018. He has over 20 years of experience in a variety of HR roles across the civil and public service. His former roles include Head of Human Resources in the Department of Housing and Local Government and a number of senior HR roles at SOLAS/FÁS. Paul is a graduate of Dublin City University where he was awarded with a B.A in Communication Studies, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Training Management and a Masters Degree in Human Resource Strategies. He also holds a Certificate in Personnel Practice (CIPD) from the National College of Ireland.
Billy Thompson
Head Office Official
Billy Thompson was appointed to the post of Assistant General Secretary in February 2015. Billy joined the Revenue Commissioners in 1979 and was appointed an Assistant Principal in 2003 in Revenue’s Large Cases Division in Limerick. He was reassigned to the Kerry Revenue District in 2012 and is currently on secondment from Revenue. Billy was an officer with the Revenue Branch from 2006-11 becoming Branch Chairman in 2012. He was co-opted to the AHCPS Executive in June 2009 and re-elected in 2010. Billy was elected Treasurer of the Association in 2011 and served in this role before becoming AGS. He is a graduate of UCD having been conferred with a Professional Diploma in Employment Law in July 2016.
Ken White
Head Office Official
Ken is Assistant General Secretary and took up post in March 2024. Ken joins having served as Branch Chair in Revenue as well as being a member of the AHCPS National Executive. Ken holds a BA (Hons) in Applied Taxation, Diploma in Applied Taxation and Certificate in Advance Corporation Tax all awarded from The University of Limerick.
Administration Staff
The membership and activities of the Association are supported by the following administration staff:
Jackie Lacey
Jackie has been with the Association for over 40 years and provides full administration and executive support to the Association’s officials, officers, branches and members.
Jennifer Farrelly-Clarke
Jennifer provides reception and administration support to the Association from our head office at Fleming’s Hall, Dublin 4.